
Kendall Wilkes



  • 14th Avenue Kenosha Clinic
Languages spoken:
  • English
Ages Served:
  • All Ages

To schedule an appointment, please call:

14th Avenue Kenosha Clinic: (262) 771-1688


What made you choose a healthcare career?
I genuinely do not remember a time in my life when I was not planning on pursuing a career in healthcare! I was attracted to the positive and significant impact I saw healthcare providers have on my family members and the people around me, and I wanted to be a part of that. And once I found dentistry, I realized it combined all my strong suits and passions, and I have not looked back since!

What types of care do you provide, and what sets your care apart?
I provide both emergency and comprehensive care for my patients. Whether someone needs a filling, extraction, a periodic exam, or a referral for other services, I do whatever I can to ensure that my patient’s oral cavity is healthy and that I provide them with the necessary resources to help them be successful!

What is your patient care philosophy?
My philosophy is patient-centered care because not all treatments are ideal for every patient or situation. To ensure the treatment plan is best suited for the patient, I need to understand the patient’s expectations, wishes, and circumstances. Those conversations with my patients help me create the treatment plan that will give them and me the best outcome!

What can patients look forward to when they visit you?
An empathetic ear and a big smile (behind my mask, of course)!!


To schedule an appointment, please call:

14th Avenue Kenosha Clinic: (262) 771-1688