Kelly Reeves, Registered Dental Hygienist
With KCHC since 2009
Specialties: Dental hygiene, patient education
Brief description of your professional expertise/experience/reason for choosing your field:
I have a passion for helping patients with treatment and education to better themselves. I enjoy working in public health, so KCHC is the right fit for me. I also enjoy getting to know our patients and seeing improvements in their oral health.
Why did you choose to work for Kenosha Community Health Center, Inc.:
I chose to work for KCHC because it is a community-based health care center focusing on the need in our area. There are many people in the Kenosha community who need medical and dental care but who do not have insurance or means for necessary treatment. KCHC is able to help provide care for those in need of these services. KCHC staff is respectful and eager to help our patients.
Education Background:
I am a registered dental hygienist graduate from Milwaukee Area Technical College in Milwaukee and earned my BSDH degree through Minnesota State University, Mankato. One of my short-term goals is to improve communication with KCHC’s Spanish-speaking patients by becoming bilingual.
Clinical Interests:
I am dedicated to providing the best care possible to all my patients with a positive attitude and a smile!!
Do not wait to schedule your appointment.
Kenosha Community Health Center has many appointment options in Kenosha and Silver Lake to meet your needs.
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